Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Random Guest Tips!

It's time again to share some more baby tips written in by friends:

An Easter egg hunt tip from Stephanie:
(Instead of the candy in her older son's eggs) "I decided to take strips of foil and wrap Cheerios and Kix w/the foil and place them in the eggs. Problem solved! Heidi loved finding the eggs and eating whatever treat was in them!"

And a dining out with baby tip from Mandy:
"Since I made all of Jayne/Jo's food, I would heat up the food almost too hot, and then immediately put it into a travel container so that it would be perfect temp by the time we fed her."

If you've got a fun tip to share, help us moms out and post it in the comments!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Arm Yourself With Place Mats

After about 5 months or so, dining out with baby brings its own set of challenges. The two biggest ones we've encountered are: how to let him eat without also consuming mounds of germs in the meantime and what to do about the horrendous mess on the floor when we're done. I'm loving the idea of the Tiny Diner Portable Place Mat that sticks securely to the table and even has a little tray in front to catch some of the mess. And about the stuff that makes it to the floor: we use the paper placemat the restaurant puts down (the same one my son would otherwise promptly rip up) as a floor mat right under the highchair to catch all the stray food chunks. It seems to work really well. When we're finished we can just fold up the paper mat with the food inside and almost all the cleanup is done!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Play Group Idea + Bonus Tip!

The author of Crafty Mama has a brilliant idea for passing your waking hours. Get your other mama friends together and craft while your babies play. The book is filled (filled I tell you!) with easy and fun crafts you can make for your baby. Plus, nothing is more funny than a bunch of sleep-deprived-novice-crafters all in one room. Even if your crafts don't quite turn out how you hoped, the friendships you build are bound to. The book is also sprinkled with useful child-rearing tips like this one: reuse expensive disposable swim diapers (unsoiled) by washing and drying them with the rest of baby's clothes. It works, I tried it!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I was reminded of this one while packing up a bunch of outgrown baby clothes this week (sniff). Taking a cue from Rookie Moms again as well as a tip from Baby Center, I've been putting all the boxes that come into our home to good use. Let me tell you--they are a big hit from a very young age. And your typical shipping box seems as exciting as a giant appliance box to a wee one. Good for crawling in and out of, playing with sand or trucks and probably things like coloring when they get a bit older. Really, when it comes to an old classic like this one, the possibilities are endless. I would love to hear what you're using your boxes for!
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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Toy Swap!

My baby tires of his toys faster than I can make money to buy new ones. So we're trying a month-long toy swap with another friend and let me tell you, it's a hit! So far, I've only pulled out two of the new toys and my baby is dragging them around the house day and night. I just hope he doesn't notice when they magically disappear in a month. Otherwise, this idea is a keeper. Make a note for the next rainy day: call a friend and arrange your own toy swap. (Bonus idea: Enclose a photo packing list in your basket, to make the swap-back easier on your mom friend).

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Repurpose Your Pumps

After growing tired of wasting a ton of baby wash from the old squeeze bottle every night, I decided to (quite literally) take matters into my own hands. So, once my hand soap ran out I rinsed out the pump container and filled it up with the bath wash. Now I get the little pea size amount that I need each time without any trouble. I am loving this idea so much that I can hardly wait until I run out of hand soap again, so I can use the pump bottle to transfer my baby's yummy lotion. Hey, every little bit of convenience helps when you've got a wiggly, giggly ten-month-old, right?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

This Shot Won't Hurt A Bit.

I remembered this idea during a recent visit to Chilli's. I wasn't even drinking (which is probably how I actually remembered). Have you seen their cute little desserts in shot glasses? I hear P.F. Changs has them too. Anyway, a while back my cousin Todd taught me the trick of letting your older babe sip their juice from a shot glass. They are just the perfect size for little hands. And really, think how much edgier your kid looks drinking from a shot glass, instead of a sippy cup. Your babe will probably love the novelty of it too. Or, immediately dump it out, as was the case with my 10-month-old. But at just an ounce at a time, who really cares?
Hey, remember those crazy days before you were a Mommy? Bet you will when you break out those old shotglasses!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Oil? Yes! Oil!

These days, I'm crazy about oil. Truth be told, I loved it long ago, and then I found a new use and a greater love. Let me explain. I just adore everything Burt's Bees to begin with. But at first I wasn't sure what to do with the apricot oil that came in my little basket of goodness. Then, as my baby's head got dryer and dryer through the winter months, my mom tipped me off..."put a little oil on his head before washing and it will all be smooth and right again." Worked like magic.

And then I discovered the amazing power of Tea Tree Oil for sanitizing cloth diapers. On washing day, I put three teeny drips in the detergent slot (along with my unscented detergent) and VIOLA! No more smells or second washings. I am so happy about this discovery, I just had to share. I hope a fellow cloth diaperer stumbles upon this post and becomes a Tea Tree believer like me because it will most happily change their life too. Heck, I'm thinking about planting a few tea trees out back. Anywho, happy oiling!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Not Just For Mountain Climbing

I love my diaper bag. But some days I just can't seem to fit every last thing I need in it. That's how I discovered that carabiners make a great diaper bag addition. I just clip other bags on and I'm good to go. That way, I still just have to hang onto one bag, but everything I need is at-the-ready. Try it, you'll like it!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Need Something Fun to Do With Your Peanut?

I am loving All kinds of simple and fun ideas to break up the boredom and make the most of your baby days. I hope you love it too! P.S. There's a book, too.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Vacationing with Baby

We've been away for a nice, long vacation to Manitoulin Island with baby (and dog) in tow. Quite unplanned, this was the perfect baby vaction. Here are some tips I thought of for all you first-time-with-baby travelers:
1. Pick a spot that is enjoyable right out the front door (think cabin (not hotel) with a nice deck, beach or view). This way baby can stay on his nap schedule and you can still make the most of vacation time.
2. Take a portable monitor.
3. Plan for one good activity per day. Anything else is bonus.
4. Consider vacationing with another family and swap babysitting for a night out.
5. One umbrella stroller should do ya. Trust me, your baby will already have three-times more luggage than you!
If you want details on vacationing on Manitoulin Island, I'd be glad to share. Just ask in your comment. And, if you've been on a perfect baby vacation, please let us know where!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Safe Toys

If you're in the market for PVC-free toys that are fun, educational and best of all, SAFE, the great blog has compiled quite a list. PS. Don't miss the savings codes at the bottom of the list if you plan on ordering anything. Happy playtime! Here's the list.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Double Up

Living in a two-story home presents its own set of baby-care challenges. So I've learned to have two of a few things on hand, to make my life easier (and my legs less tired!) If you live on two floors like me, definitely double up on:

*Changing stations (even if one is just a basket of supplies tucked somewhere).
*Bottles of Children's Tylenol--one in the diaper bag and one in the nursery.
*Lovies, pacifiers, or whatever your baby can't live without.

Another thing that is making my life more efficient is a stash of basic supplies in each bathroom - extra tp, facial tissue and paper towels.

Save us a trip upstairs...What do you stock up on that makes baby care easier?

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Ultimate Crib Sheet

Yes it really is called that. And yes, it really lives up to its name. My baby was a major spit-upper for 6 solid months and then some. It seemed like we (well,I -- let's face it, Dads do not care about dirty sheets) were changing the crib sheet almost daily. We also had a very tricky crib to work with. Fortunately, I have two of these Ultimate Crib Sheets and they are really a snap (pun intended) to work with. They work as a sheet and mattress pad all-in-one and they lay right on top of your pretty sheets, snapping around the bars of your crib. So instead of lifting the mattress or trying to get those corners on just right, this bed change takes little effort. And this is a good thing, especially at 3AM! If you are fed up with your crib sheets, I highly recommend you check this one out.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Costco Mamas

If you're like me, you enjoy Costco for its get-everything-done-for-the-month-in-one-hour property. You can buy your postage, pick up the photos you webbed in for printing an hour earlier, save on a case of Earth's Best baby food, wipes or diapers... not to mention all the stuff you need for those other members of your family. Here's a tip: save your receipts! Not only do they have the most excellent return policy going (pretty much unlimited)-- you can also get adjustments on your receipts if they send you coupons for your purchased items as much as 90 days later! They usually have a special line just for these adjustments, making it that much easier. We have a small family of three (not counting cat and dog) and we still love buying in bulk at Costco for its cost, time and planet savings!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Nipple Shield

I am a huge promoter of breast feeding. Even though I got off to a really rocky start, I just can't say enough good things about it now. One thing that actually made it possible for me was the Medela Nipple Shield, which I would know nothing about if it weren't for the awesome lactation staff at Royal Oak Beaumont Hospital. But just in case you don't have access to a lactation consultant, I thought I might give props to this product in the hopes that it can spare someone from having to unnecessarily switch to bottle feeding. This little silicone nipple cover smoothly and instantly fits over your own nipple. It is very soft and comfortable. In essence, it becomes like a bottle nipple, but miraculously allows your own milk to flow out. As in my case it can be much easier for a baby's small mouth to latch onto. It can also encourage your nipples to come out if they're a little less than willing. This may take time (think weeks, or even months) before they're trained to do so on their own, but I'm telling you, the wait is worth it. Finally, living up to its name, I have the nipple shield's protection to thank for sparing me from sore, raw skin. This alone may be worth the purchase! The nipple shield comes in three sizes and it may take a bit of experimenting to find the one that works for you. But they are very inexpensive and can really make all the difference--saving you hundreds of dollars in formula. So if you're having trouble with latching, don't give up! Give the Medela Nipple Shield a try instead.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Love Your Mother (Earth)

In celebration of Earth Day, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share my love of the drying rack with you. First off, did you know you can save 700 tons of carbon dioxide emissions this year just by line drying your clothes in the spring and summer? I like to line dry my diapers inside all months of the year--and a drying rack is truly the perfect size for all baby items.

And now, a plug for cloth diapering: We've been doing it for eight months solid and I want you to know, it just couldn't be easier. We started off by investing in 25 BumGenius diapers for well under $500 that grow with my baby, so they meet all of his diapering needs. I wash every couple of days and feel so good knowing I've eliminated some majorly harsh chemicals from the Earth and my baby's body.
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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Recycled jeans Mei Tai carrier - yes you can make this!

I love recycling. I love crafting. I love having two free hands! (And I'm assuming you're at least on board with that last one...) Moms, a Mei Tai carrier is very easy to make as long as you have access to a sewing machine and permission to destroy a man's pair of blue jeans. I won't go into great detail about the process because, thankfully, you can find that here. But what you do need to know is that with a Mei Tai carrier you can carry your baby in front, on the side or piggy back. It's a soft little pouch for baby, just like a kangaroo!
Just a few tips:
1. Cut off the legs of the jeans, then cut a slit close to one of the long seams on each, so you are left with two very large rectangles of denim. (Then feel free to even them up if it helps).
2. Use one piece to form the carrying pouch. The other piece will be divided fairly evenly into strips for straps. You will piece 2 of the strips together to make each over-the-shoulder strap.
3. When sewing, use some heavy-duty thread and reinforce like crazy.
4. If you don't have a serger, just use an interlock or zigzag stitch along each of the raw edges of the straps, to help cut down on fraying.
5. Have fun decorating - iron on patches, or better yet, sew on the back pockets from the jeans, so you will have a handy place to stash stuff.
6. Lastly, go here for instructions on how to strap your baby on every-which-way.
Have fun and post links to pics if you make one! Oh yeah, I'd like to especially thank Erica for her inspiration and starter tips!
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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

On the topic of germs

In response to the response to my last post... (thanks, Marie!)
I once read this really amazing trick on eliminating germs. It derserves to be shared. Are you ready for this...? Simply stick the germy item in the freezer overnight. Yep, it really is that easy. Now please excuse me, I'm off to buy some Whirlpool stock.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Board Books, For Free!

It shouldn't have taken me this long to figure out that my library must have every single board book ever published. And I thought the library was just for readers, shame on me. So this week we are diverging from our 7,032nd reading of "Good Night Moon" for some exciting, new material. I also discovered the library has rhyme-time baby stories once a week (20 minute read-and-play sessions for babies 6 months to 15 months). Cabin fever no more! Best of all, this stuff is all free. I encourage you to check out your library's baby section as well--you might be surprise at what you find. And if you've discovered fun, fresh baby activities, won't you share them in the comments? We'd love to read them, too!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

From the Top

Dentists are really on to something. I've discovered that certain tasks are just way easier when done from the head end of baby--that is standing behind his head while he's lying on the changing table. This includes: Looking for new teeth, and brushing the tiny ones he has. Cleaning out a really stuffy nose. Trimming nails (incidentally I always do this while whisteling a tune and it never fails to keep him still and attentive). And baby massage. Try it, you'll be amazed at how much easier these tasks are.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fast Fixes

With a baby that consumes almost all of what used to be free-time, I've learned to fully embrace efficiency-enhancing products. Here are some that have really made a difference in my newer, speedier lifestyle:
1. Fast Fixx spray-in conditioner - gives me soft, shiny, untangled hair and (bonus!) eliminates fly aways.
2. Carnation Instant Breakfast - it's no 3-egg omelet, but hey it is calcium, vitamins AND chocolate milk.
3. Medela Quick Clean Micro Steam Bags - just two minutes and my pumping parts are all clean.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Three Tips for when You're in a Pinch

1. From Steph: The Straw...if you don't have a bottle or if baby wants a sip of water at a restaurant, offer it to them with a straw. You would be amazed at how young your kid gets it! I think Heidi was 4 months old.

And more kudos for the straw, from Kelly: Sometimes when we went to a restaurant and were waiting for our food, Alex did not always want to just sit nicely in the highchair. No toys could make him happy. So one time I used my straw to suck up some ice water and drip it in his mouth to try to distract him. And he loved it. The ice cold water plus the straw makes it interesting enough for him to keep wanting more and stopped his whining.

2. Another good one from Steph: We all know the diaper changing trick while your baby is on your lap. This is good for little kids. However, what do you do in a public place where there is no changing table for an older tot? As long as it's not a stinky diaper, you can quickly whip down their pants and remove the dirty diaper. Then position the new one in between their legs (in the approximate location) and then sit the child on your lap. The diaper will cover their bum. Then, quickly fasten the diaper into place. This was an essential thing this past week at the airport and on vacation w/Heidi.

3. The literal Pinch (this one's just kind of funny, heard it from my hairdresser today). If plucking your eyebrows really kills, a little baby Orajel first works like magic!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Your Second Brain

Babies are distracting. Cute, but distracting. So when you have an important phone call to make, a nap or feeding schedule to adhere to, or anything else that needs to get done at a certain time, it doesn't hurt to have a gentle reminder. I like these two products because they are really easy to use and multi-functional. But your cell phone alarm would work great too. Just set your timer, slip it in your pocket and go back to your baby's cuteness.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Baby's Buddy Book

Babies love faces--so why not put those photo cards and birth announcements you receive from friends and family to good use? I keep all of ours in a simple 4x6 photo album, trimming them to size. That way my baby has an entire book full of friendly faces and we have fun talking about who all the people are. This is especially handy for keeping out-of-town family and friends familiar.
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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tubtrugs for Today's Toys

Since my baby is finally interested in toys (at six months) I feel like I can report on this topic with only a smidge of authority. But I believe if you want to raise a creative baby, you've gotta keep things fresh. That means lots of interesting toys to see, taste, feel and explore. What's a mom to do with all these toys, you ask? Meet your new best friend: Tubtrug. Here's an idea: invest in 7 of these. Or, seven similar containers that are indestructible and (more importantly) harmless to your baby. Put a day's worth of toys in each container and store them neatly in a closet or under the crib. Each day, take out a new Tubtrug and let your baby go nuts. This way, the toys stay fresh and exciting and your house stays tidy too. Currently in each of my Tubtrugs: a different rattle, teether, couple of books and a plush toy.

I also saw a tip on this for bathtub toys stored in sand pails for the older baby. This makes every bath time one of discovery. Just be sure to punch holes in the bottom of the bucket, so your toys can drain and dry. Since I'm just getting started in this adventure, I welcome all tips and comments on toy storage and rotation. Feel free to post!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hoodie: The Modern Day Housecoat

My Grandma always wears a housecoat. She also raised five kids. And now that I'm raising a kid of my own, I finally get the housecoat. But for me, the more modern solution is the hoodie. No matter what I'm wearing, it seems like I've got a hoodie on top. This protects me from drool, spit-up and every other bodily fluid that constantly leaks from my son. I also love it because it makes for quick nursing. And when it's time to run out the door, I still look presentable. That is if I remember to take it off.
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Monday, February 11, 2008

In-between Sizes

It seems like every other week my baby outgrows his clothes. But somehow, his next size up is way too big. So for all those tweener times, Baby Legs are the best. These things last from birth until possibly three-years-old or even longer. I cannot count the compliments we've received on our "legwarmers". Not to mention, they're exceptionally practical for diaper changes and adding a layer of warmth on those extra chilly days, like today.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

I Was Hoping Not to Need These

Giving birth does some horrific things to your body. I just wanted to vouch for this product as it has done wonders for my comfort and healing.

I bet you could get the same effect by using those baby washcloths we discussed earlier (just soak them in witch hazel and aloe). But that's only if you don't mind the extra laundry. Either way, you'll be thankful for any help you can get down there!

Hey moms, if you've got personal soothing tips, be sure to share them in the comments...

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Little Sock, Little Sock - Where Are You?

Because I'm a cloth diaperer, I thought it was a good idea to get very intimate with my washing machine's instruction manual. Good thing I did, because in the process I learned the neat trick of using a lingerie bag for washing and drying my baby's socks. I just keep one by his changing station and toss the whole thing in on wash day. Since then, nary a sock has been lost. And that's why I was super excited to find these socks, already in laundry bags, at Brilliant!
P.S. Lingerie bags are also great for washing items with Velcro (like bibs) to prevent snags and pilling.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Go For a Stroll

Even for you supermoms, carrying your baby around hour after hour, day after day gets tiring, doesn't it? Even wearing him in a sling or Bjorn wears out your body eventually. Plus, it limits what you can do (like opening the oven, for one). So when you need to get stuff done, try pushing your baby around the house in his stroller instead. He can go where you do, and enjoy the scenery. And you can use both arms, which makes for a very productive Mommy!
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Monday, January 28, 2008

Milk cubes

You probably all know about freezing your breast milk and how convenient it is to have on hand. Heck, you probably even have a stash of those little "Mommy's Milk" freezer bags. Well here's a way to make milk storage even more convenient!

1. Invest in an ice cube tray that holds one-ounce cubes, like this:

2. Pump milk as usual

3. Pour it into your tray and freeze

4. Pop the frozen cubes in a Ziplock, label and return to the freezer

Working in one-ounce increments, you'll always have just the right amount of milk on hand, without having to waste any. This comes in especially handy when your baby starts eating cereal. And the trays are great for baby food making too, but that's for another day...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mommy 'minder stickers

If your mom didn't keep a baby book for you, I'm sorry. But as sweet (and important!) as they are, I'll be the first to admit that they're hard to stay on top of when the milestones are flying by as quickly as the hours of missed sleep.

Here's a solution. I have a regular old calendar hanging above the highchair in the kitchen. This keeps regular old dates like doctor's appointments and birthdays and whatnot. But what it also keeps are my Mommy 'minder stickers. You see, when Bastien does something amazing, I just pull out a sticker from the calendar pocket and put it on that date. Sometimes, if I have a free hand, I'll write down what the amazing thing was just for a little added insurance against my tired and forgetful brain. Then, on a predetermined date (I choose the 20th, for the date he was born; but you could do the last day of the month, or whatever), I tally up the month's stickers and post it all in his baby book.

I got this idea from my marathon days when I put stickers in my running log on days that were particularly worth remembering. So I'm sure there are other times when these stickers come in handy. Potty training comes to mind... If you've got baby book ideas, be sure to share!
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Friday, January 25, 2008

Washcloths Aplenty

This is one thing you won't realize until you bring baby home - you can never have enough washcloths. Specifically, those thin, (thankfully) cheap baby washcloths that come in a pack of five or ten, like these. Stock up on at least three of those (yes, you need at least 15 washcloths) and you'll be all set. Speaking of five-packs, here's one, regarding the non-obvious things a washcloth's good for:

1. Put a warm one on your baby's belly during every bath. He'll love it.
2. If you have a boy, toss one on him during changing. An instant way to save your walls, clothes and dignity.
3. Once he starts eating solids, just hand him a wet one when he's done eating. He'll pretty much do the clean-up for you.
4. Freeze them for a favorite teether. (Also comes in handy for boo boos).
5. Runny noses get sore fast. A warm washcloth on a runny nose is much more welcome than a scratchy tissue. Trust me.
Got more washcloth ideas? Help a mom out and share them in a comment.
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