Monday, May 12, 2008

The Ultimate Crib Sheet

Yes it really is called that. And yes, it really lives up to its name. My baby was a major spit-upper for 6 solid months and then some. It seemed like we (well,I -- let's face it, Dads do not care about dirty sheets) were changing the crib sheet almost daily. We also had a very tricky crib to work with. Fortunately, I have two of these Ultimate Crib Sheets and they are really a snap (pun intended) to work with. They work as a sheet and mattress pad all-in-one and they lay right on top of your pretty sheets, snapping around the bars of your crib. So instead of lifting the mattress or trying to get those corners on just right, this bed change takes little effort. And this is a good thing, especially at 3AM! If you are fed up with your crib sheets, I highly recommend you check this one out.

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