Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Nipple Shield

I am a huge promoter of breast feeding. Even though I got off to a really rocky start, I just can't say enough good things about it now. One thing that actually made it possible for me was the Medela Nipple Shield, which I would know nothing about if it weren't for the awesome lactation staff at Royal Oak Beaumont Hospital. But just in case you don't have access to a lactation consultant, I thought I might give props to this product in the hopes that it can spare someone from having to unnecessarily switch to bottle feeding. This little silicone nipple cover smoothly and instantly fits over your own nipple. It is very soft and comfortable. In essence, it becomes like a bottle nipple, but miraculously allows your own milk to flow out. As in my case it can be much easier for a baby's small mouth to latch onto. It can also encourage your nipples to come out if they're a little less than willing. This may take time (think weeks, or even months) before they're trained to do so on their own, but I'm telling you, the wait is worth it. Finally, living up to its name, I have the nipple shield's protection to thank for sparing me from sore, raw skin. This alone may be worth the purchase! The nipple shield comes in three sizes and it may take a bit of experimenting to find the one that works for you. But they are very inexpensive and can really make all the difference--saving you hundreds of dollars in formula. So if you're having trouble with latching, don't give up! Give the Medela Nipple Shield a try instead.

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