Monday, April 21, 2008

Love Your Mother (Earth)

In celebration of Earth Day, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share my love of the drying rack with you. First off, did you know you can save 700 tons of carbon dioxide emissions this year just by line drying your clothes in the spring and summer? I like to line dry my diapers inside all months of the year--and a drying rack is truly the perfect size for all baby items.

And now, a plug for cloth diapering: We've been doing it for eight months solid and I want you to know, it just couldn't be easier. We started off by investing in 25 BumGenius diapers for well under $500 that grow with my baby, so they meet all of his diapering needs. I wash every couple of days and feel so good knowing I've eliminated some majorly harsh chemicals from the Earth and my baby's body.
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