Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Nipple Shield

I am a huge promoter of breast feeding. Even though I got off to a really rocky start, I just can't say enough good things about it now. One thing that actually made it possible for me was the Medela Nipple Shield, which I would know nothing about if it weren't for the awesome lactation staff at Royal Oak Beaumont Hospital. But just in case you don't have access to a lactation consultant, I thought I might give props to this product in the hopes that it can spare someone from having to unnecessarily switch to bottle feeding. This little silicone nipple cover smoothly and instantly fits over your own nipple. It is very soft and comfortable. In essence, it becomes like a bottle nipple, but miraculously allows your own milk to flow out. As in my case it can be much easier for a baby's small mouth to latch onto. It can also encourage your nipples to come out if they're a little less than willing. This may take time (think weeks, or even months) before they're trained to do so on their own, but I'm telling you, the wait is worth it. Finally, living up to its name, I have the nipple shield's protection to thank for sparing me from sore, raw skin. This alone may be worth the purchase! The nipple shield comes in three sizes and it may take a bit of experimenting to find the one that works for you. But they are very inexpensive and can really make all the difference--saving you hundreds of dollars in formula. So if you're having trouble with latching, don't give up! Give the Medela Nipple Shield a try instead.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Love Your Mother (Earth)

In celebration of Earth Day, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share my love of the drying rack with you. First off, did you know you can save 700 tons of carbon dioxide emissions this year just by line drying your clothes in the spring and summer? I like to line dry my diapers inside all months of the year--and a drying rack is truly the perfect size for all baby items.

And now, a plug for cloth diapering: We've been doing it for eight months solid and I want you to know, it just couldn't be easier. We started off by investing in 25 BumGenius diapers for well under $500 that grow with my baby, so they meet all of his diapering needs. I wash every couple of days and feel so good knowing I've eliminated some majorly harsh chemicals from the Earth and my baby's body.
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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Recycled jeans Mei Tai carrier - yes you can make this!

I love recycling. I love crafting. I love having two free hands! (And I'm assuming you're at least on board with that last one...) Moms, a Mei Tai carrier is very easy to make as long as you have access to a sewing machine and permission to destroy a man's pair of blue jeans. I won't go into great detail about the process because, thankfully, you can find that here. But what you do need to know is that with a Mei Tai carrier you can carry your baby in front, on the side or piggy back. It's a soft little pouch for baby, just like a kangaroo!
Just a few tips:
1. Cut off the legs of the jeans, then cut a slit close to one of the long seams on each, so you are left with two very large rectangles of denim. (Then feel free to even them up if it helps).
2. Use one piece to form the carrying pouch. The other piece will be divided fairly evenly into strips for straps. You will piece 2 of the strips together to make each over-the-shoulder strap.
3. When sewing, use some heavy-duty thread and reinforce like crazy.
4. If you don't have a serger, just use an interlock or zigzag stitch along each of the raw edges of the straps, to help cut down on fraying.
5. Have fun decorating - iron on patches, or better yet, sew on the back pockets from the jeans, so you will have a handy place to stash stuff.
6. Lastly, go here for instructions on how to strap your baby on every-which-way.
Have fun and post links to pics if you make one! Oh yeah, I'd like to especially thank Erica for her inspiration and starter tips!
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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

On the topic of germs

In response to the response to my last post... (thanks, Marie!)
I once read this really amazing trick on eliminating germs. It derserves to be shared. Are you ready for this...? Simply stick the germy item in the freezer overnight. Yep, it really is that easy. Now please excuse me, I'm off to buy some Whirlpool stock.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Board Books, For Free!

It shouldn't have taken me this long to figure out that my library must have every single board book ever published. And I thought the library was just for readers, shame on me. So this week we are diverging from our 7,032nd reading of "Good Night Moon" for some exciting, new material. I also discovered the library has rhyme-time baby stories once a week (20 minute read-and-play sessions for babies 6 months to 15 months). Cabin fever no more! Best of all, this stuff is all free. I encourage you to check out your library's baby section as well--you might be surprise at what you find. And if you've discovered fun, fresh baby activities, won't you share them in the comments? We'd love to read them, too!