Friday, January 25, 2008

Washcloths Aplenty

This is one thing you won't realize until you bring baby home - you can never have enough washcloths. Specifically, those thin, (thankfully) cheap baby washcloths that come in a pack of five or ten, like these. Stock up on at least three of those (yes, you need at least 15 washcloths) and you'll be all set. Speaking of five-packs, here's one, regarding the non-obvious things a washcloth's good for:

1. Put a warm one on your baby's belly during every bath. He'll love it.
2. If you have a boy, toss one on him during changing. An instant way to save your walls, clothes and dignity.
3. Once he starts eating solids, just hand him a wet one when he's done eating. He'll pretty much do the clean-up for you.
4. Freeze them for a favorite teether. (Also comes in handy for boo boos).
5. Runny noses get sore fast. A warm washcloth on a runny nose is much more welcome than a scratchy tissue. Trust me.
Got more washcloth ideas? Help a mom out and share them in a comment.
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Ed and Marie said...

How fun! Yes, the washcloths are much more useful than I anticipated when I got YET ANOTHER package of 5 at my shower. We recently used then as wipes in our transition to non-disposible wipes. We know, we're crazy...but hey, if we're doing the laudry anyway, we might as well go all the way!

heathers said...

We always have washcloths (usually the washcloths that are a little beaten up from several baths) in our kitchen drawer with our dish cloths and dish towels (next to our sink so it's quick and easy to wet them) to wipe Ethan's face and hands after eating.

Still Lisa B said...

Hey Jess!

I was just asking my mother in law about these washclothes and if I really am going really use them. They seem so cheap and little! She said NO! Can you belive after 7kids she didn't think of all the great ideas you have! Thanks for the advice, I'm start freezing them now ;)