Monday, June 30, 2008

Oil? Yes! Oil!

These days, I'm crazy about oil. Truth be told, I loved it long ago, and then I found a new use and a greater love. Let me explain. I just adore everything Burt's Bees to begin with. But at first I wasn't sure what to do with the apricot oil that came in my little basket of goodness. Then, as my baby's head got dryer and dryer through the winter months, my mom tipped me off..."put a little oil on his head before washing and it will all be smooth and right again." Worked like magic.

And then I discovered the amazing power of Tea Tree Oil for sanitizing cloth diapers. On washing day, I put three teeny drips in the detergent slot (along with my unscented detergent) and VIOLA! No more smells or second washings. I am so happy about this discovery, I just had to share. I hope a fellow cloth diaperer stumbles upon this post and becomes a Tea Tree believer like me because it will most happily change their life too. Heck, I'm thinking about planting a few tea trees out back. Anywho, happy oiling!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Not Just For Mountain Climbing

I love my diaper bag. But some days I just can't seem to fit every last thing I need in it. That's how I discovered that carabiners make a great diaper bag addition. I just clip other bags on and I'm good to go. That way, I still just have to hang onto one bag, but everything I need is at-the-ready. Try it, you'll like it!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Need Something Fun to Do With Your Peanut?

I am loving All kinds of simple and fun ideas to break up the boredom and make the most of your baby days. I hope you love it too! P.S. There's a book, too.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Vacationing with Baby

We've been away for a nice, long vacation to Manitoulin Island with baby (and dog) in tow. Quite unplanned, this was the perfect baby vaction. Here are some tips I thought of for all you first-time-with-baby travelers:
1. Pick a spot that is enjoyable right out the front door (think cabin (not hotel) with a nice deck, beach or view). This way baby can stay on his nap schedule and you can still make the most of vacation time.
2. Take a portable monitor.
3. Plan for one good activity per day. Anything else is bonus.
4. Consider vacationing with another family and swap babysitting for a night out.
5. One umbrella stroller should do ya. Trust me, your baby will already have three-times more luggage than you!
If you want details on vacationing on Manitoulin Island, I'd be glad to share. Just ask in your comment. And, if you've been on a perfect baby vacation, please let us know where!