Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Baby's Buddy Book

Babies love faces--so why not put those photo cards and birth announcements you receive from friends and family to good use? I keep all of ours in a simple 4x6 photo album, trimming them to size. That way my baby has an entire book full of friendly faces and we have fun talking about who all the people are. This is especially handy for keeping out-of-town family and friends familiar.
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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tubtrugs for Today's Toys

Since my baby is finally interested in toys (at six months) I feel like I can report on this topic with only a smidge of authority. But I believe if you want to raise a creative baby, you've gotta keep things fresh. That means lots of interesting toys to see, taste, feel and explore. What's a mom to do with all these toys, you ask? Meet your new best friend: Tubtrug. Here's an idea: invest in 7 of these. Or, seven similar containers that are indestructible and (more importantly) harmless to your baby. Put a day's worth of toys in each container and store them neatly in a closet or under the crib. Each day, take out a new Tubtrug and let your baby go nuts. This way, the toys stay fresh and exciting and your house stays tidy too. Currently in each of my Tubtrugs: a different rattle, teether, couple of books and a plush toy.

I also saw a tip on this for bathtub toys stored in sand pails for the older baby. This makes every bath time one of discovery. Just be sure to punch holes in the bottom of the bucket, so your toys can drain and dry. Since I'm just getting started in this adventure, I welcome all tips and comments on toy storage and rotation. Feel free to post!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hoodie: The Modern Day Housecoat

My Grandma always wears a housecoat. She also raised five kids. And now that I'm raising a kid of my own, I finally get the housecoat. But for me, the more modern solution is the hoodie. No matter what I'm wearing, it seems like I've got a hoodie on top. This protects me from drool, spit-up and every other bodily fluid that constantly leaks from my son. I also love it because it makes for quick nursing. And when it's time to run out the door, I still look presentable. That is if I remember to take it off.
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Monday, February 11, 2008

In-between Sizes

It seems like every other week my baby outgrows his clothes. But somehow, his next size up is way too big. So for all those tweener times, Baby Legs are the best. These things last from birth until possibly three-years-old or even longer. I cannot count the compliments we've received on our "legwarmers". Not to mention, they're exceptionally practical for diaper changes and adding a layer of warmth on those extra chilly days, like today.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

I Was Hoping Not to Need These

Giving birth does some horrific things to your body. I just wanted to vouch for this product as it has done wonders for my comfort and healing.

I bet you could get the same effect by using those baby washcloths we discussed earlier (just soak them in witch hazel and aloe). But that's only if you don't mind the extra laundry. Either way, you'll be thankful for any help you can get down there!

Hey moms, if you've got personal soothing tips, be sure to share them in the comments...

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Little Sock, Little Sock - Where Are You?

Because I'm a cloth diaperer, I thought it was a good idea to get very intimate with my washing machine's instruction manual. Good thing I did, because in the process I learned the neat trick of using a lingerie bag for washing and drying my baby's socks. I just keep one by his changing station and toss the whole thing in on wash day. Since then, nary a sock has been lost. And that's why I was super excited to find these socks, already in laundry bags, at Brilliant!
P.S. Lingerie bags are also great for washing items with Velcro (like bibs) to prevent snags and pilling.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Go For a Stroll

Even for you supermoms, carrying your baby around hour after hour, day after day gets tiring, doesn't it? Even wearing him in a sling or Bjorn wears out your body eventually. Plus, it limits what you can do (like opening the oven, for one). So when you need to get stuff done, try pushing your baby around the house in his stroller instead. He can go where you do, and enjoy the scenery. And you can use both arms, which makes for a very productive Mommy!
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