Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Arm Yourself With Place Mats

After about 5 months or so, dining out with baby brings its own set of challenges. The two biggest ones we've encountered are: how to let him eat without also consuming mounds of germs in the meantime and what to do about the horrendous mess on the floor when we're done. I'm loving the idea of the Tiny Diner Portable Place Mat that sticks securely to the table and even has a little tray in front to catch some of the mess. And about the stuff that makes it to the floor: we use the paper placemat the restaurant puts down (the same one my son would otherwise promptly rip up) as a floor mat right under the highchair to catch all the stray food chunks. It seems to work really well. When we're finished we can just fold up the paper mat with the food inside and almost all the cleanup is done!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Play Group Idea + Bonus Tip!

The author of Crafty Mama has a brilliant idea for passing your waking hours. Get your other mama friends together and craft while your babies play. The book is filled (filled I tell you!) with easy and fun crafts you can make for your baby. Plus, nothing is more funny than a bunch of sleep-deprived-novice-crafters all in one room. Even if your crafts don't quite turn out how you hoped, the friendships you build are bound to. The book is also sprinkled with useful child-rearing tips like this one: reuse expensive disposable swim diapers (unsoiled) by washing and drying them with the rest of baby's clothes. It works, I tried it!